Proving My Innocence

Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Criminal Defense Attorney

Have you been accused of a crime that you didn't commit? Are you confused about what you need to do now? Being accused of a crime can be scary, especially when the prosecution is talking about a lengthy stay in jail or in prison. You're probably already looking for a good lawyer but aren't sure which one to choose. Fortunately, there are some questions that you can ask to help you decide whether or not the attorney you're talking to will be right for the job:

Have you handled many cases like this before?  If you're being accused of burglary, you'll want a criminal defense attorney who is skilled in burglary cases. A lawyer who handles mainly car theft cases can still be a great attorney, but may not be as efficient or as quick with your case as someone who does burglary cases every day. A good lawyer will be one who is as familiar as possible with the laws and statutes that are relevant to your case.

What is your success rate with cases? You may be looking for a criminal defense attorney with many years of experience in the field, but that doesn't guarantee that you'll get a good lawyer. A better indicator is his or her success in the past 2-5 years. An older lawyer with a lot of experience may or may not have had a lot of recent success. A younger lawyer who has only recently graduated from law school may be starting to hit their stride, winning many cases. Don't assume that years of experience are something good or something bad. The only thing that counts when you're hiring a lawyer is what percentage of cases they are successful with.

Do you need anything else to prepare for this case? During your first meeting, your potential criminal defense attorney will want to see the police report and arrest report that caused you to come to him or her. But after you finish talking about where you were and what you were doing at the time in question, he or she may still have things that he or she wants to know. For example, your lawyer may want to talk to your friends or acquaintances who are your alibi so that he or she can better start to formulate a defense. He or she may want other things as well, so make sure to bring a pad of paper and a writing instrument in order to take notes.  
